Student work contract during school holidays

Last update

School holidays provide a good opportunity for pupils and students to discover the real working world. For a maximum of 2 months a year, they can acquire their first professional experience of paid work.

It should be noted that this is a specific contract: it is not a standard employment contract but a contract of engagement.

Who is concerned?

The following are concerned by the pupil/student work contract during school holidays:

  • the employer who intends to hire a student or pupil for paid employment during school holidays;
  • the pupil/student who wishes to work during the school holidays in return for remuneration and who:
    • is between 15 and 26 years old (the pupil/student must not have turned 27);
    • is enrolled in a teaching establishment in Luxembourg or abroad;
    • follows a regular full-time education programme.

Pupils/students whose enrolment in a teaching establishment has come to an end within the past 4 months are also eligible for such work.

How to proceed

Recruitment in the tourism sector

If you are a pupil or student, you can currently apply for a seasonal job in the tourism sector via the online procedure 'Demande de job étudiant dans le domaine du tourisme 2024' on (see 'Online services and forms'). This is a procedure with authentication that requires a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID). This recruitment campaign is limited in time.

Functioning of a student work contract

During the same calendar year (i.e. 1 January to 31 December), a pupil/student may be hired for a maximum duration of 2 months or 346 hours.

An employer who decides to recruit a pupil or student during the school holidays must draw up a work contract.

Students and pupils covered by this type of contract benefit from the same working conditions as the employees of the business.

Form of the work contract

The work contract must be drawn up:

  • in writing;
  • for each individual pupil/student;
  • at the latest on the first day of employment of the pupil or student;
  • in triplicate, where one copy is given to the pupil/student and one to the employer who must send the third copy to the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines within 7 days of the beginning of the contract.

In the absence of a written contract, or if the contract was drawn up late, the working relationship automatically becomes that of a permanent work contract.

Content of the work contract

Student contracts must contain the following information:

  • first and last name(s), date of birth and home address of the pupil or student (note that in the event of a subsequent change of address, the student or pupil must notify their employer);
  • name and address of the employer;
  • the start and end dates of the contract (this information must be in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy);
  • the place of work;
  • nature of the work to be carried out (which need not necessarily be in line with the pupil's/student's studies);
  • daily and weekly working hours;
  • salary payment procedures;
  • the place where the pupil/student is staying if the employer has agreed to provide accommodation.

Note that the agreed remuneration cannot be less than 80 % of the applicable social minimum wage, adjusted to the pupil's or student's age, where applicable.

The minimum salary for pupils/students is set at:

Social minimum wage (at the currently applicable index value)
Age Gross hourly salary Gross monthly salary
18 years or older for unskilled workers (80 % of 100 % of the social minimum wage) EUR 11.8887
EUR 2,056.74
17 - 18 years old (80 % of 80 % of the social minimum wage) EUR 9.5110
EUR 1,645.39
15 - 17 years old (80 % of 75 % of the social minimum wage) EUR 8.9165 EUR 1,542.55

Health & Safety at work

Pupils/students hired for jobs that pose a risk to their health or safety (working at height, use of hazardous equipment, etc.) must undergo a medical check-up.

For all other positions, a medical examination is not systematic. However, the employer may ask for an opinion (Multi-sector Occupational Health Service or Occupational Health Service for the Industry) from the general practitioner.

Furthermore, minor employees and their legal representatives must, before signing the employment contract or before their entry into service at the latest, be informed in writing of the following:

  • the possible risks to which the minor may be exposed; and
  • all measures taken related to their health and safety.

Pupils/students under 21 years of age must also receive, before they start work, appropriate instructions in the presence of:

  • the health and safety representative;
  • the designated worker in charge of protective and preventive measures against occupational risks.

Leave and legal holidays

However, pupils and students are not entitled to 26 days paid annual leave but may benefit from unpaid special leave which must be granted by the employer.

In principle, the student's/pupil's sick days are not paid.

Underage pupils/students working during school holidays are authorised to work on Sundays and/or public holidays.

Social contributions

Employers must affiliate pupils/students with the Joint Social Security Centre (Centre commun de la sécurité sociale - CCSS).

The pupil/student is affiliated solely for accident insurance purposes. The employer only pays for accident insurance and does not have to cover for health and pension insurance: hence, pupils and students do not have to contribute for health insurance and old age pension either.

Remuneration and withholding tax

At the employer's request, the salary paid to pupils/students during school holidays is tax exempt, provided the hourly wage does not exceed EUR 16. In this case, the pupil/student does not have to hand in a tax form to the employer.

If the salary exceeds EUR 16 per hour, the remuneration paid is subject to withholding tax. In this case the pupil or student must provide the employer with a tax card.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Chamber of Employees

  • Chamber of Employees

    18, rue Auguste Lumière L-1950 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    B.P. 1263 L-1012 Luxembourg
    Email address:
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.00 to 17.00
    Mon.-Fri. from 8.30 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.00

Inspectorate of Labour and Mines

2 of 5 bodies shown

Multi-Sector Occupational Health Service

2 of 5 bodies shown

Related procedures and links


Special leave for personal reasons Undergoing a medical check for new employees


Further information

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